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DIY Otto Robot

DIY Otto Robot

An interactive robot that anyone can make! Otto is very easy to 3D print and assemble, walks, dances, makes sounds and avoids obstacles. Otto is truly Opensource; it means the hardware is easily discerned so that others can make it, is also Arduino compatible, 3D printable and customizable, the perfect opportunity to build and have your very first robot, learn robotics and have fun, you will learn the logical connection between code and action, and by assembling it, you will understand how its components and electronics work.




2. Mini USB cable.

3. HC-SR04 Ultrasound sensor.

4. Mini servo SG90 9g x4 (each one should come with 2 pointed screws and one small screw).

5. 5V Buzzer

6. Dual point F/F cable connectors 10cm x6.

7. 4 AA Battery case stacked

8. AA alkaline batteries x4. 1.5V each

9. Mini cross screwdriver

And then you only need to 3D print 6 parts in total:

10. 3D printed head.

11. 3D printed body.

12. 3D printed leg x2.

13. 3D printed foot x2.

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